Frohe Weihnachten


Well, tonight I'm quite overwhelmed at the amount of presents I need to wrap for everyone...

I've put this task off that now all I can say is that, I'm so ready for Christmas! While many of us celebrate this wonderful time of the year in many ways, it's not easy to admit that the presence of the pandemic has prevented many of us from spending time with our loved ones. 

It's okay, we will live through this. 

This post is dedicated to my sister who is in Germany with her family, whom I could have seen this year if it wasn't for Covid-19 restrictions. Here's a greeting for you, dear sister. I promise I will continue to learn German so we can have fun communicating in our "third" (fourth?) language. 

Merry Christmas and I love and miss you!

Frohe Weihnachten und ich liebe und vermisse dich!

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