Fregar v. Lavar los platos


"Some people dislike parsley in their liquid dishes

but I think it's soup herb." 

Haha, I know it's a lame joke but thanks to anyway! :-)

Honestly though, just because we're making jokes about dirty dishes doesn't we shouldn't take them seriously. At least, in certain parts of the world, they are spoken differently. 

For example, in Spain, people say "fregar" which really means "to scrub."

But in Latin America, people just say "lavar los platos" and they're good to go. Fregar in South America is understood figuratively as "to annoy" or pester. Worse, it may even be construed as a vulgar term. 

My suggestion? Play it safe. If you don't want to "lavar los platos' por favor just use platos de papel!

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