From Konnichiwa to Arigatou: The Top 10 Must-Know Survival Phrases in Japanese Language

Are you planning a trip to Japan and want to make sure you have the essential survival phrases down? Look no further! In this blog post, we're going to cover the top 10 must-know survival phrases in Japanese language that will help you navigate your way through any situation. From ordering food at restaurants to asking for directions, these phrases will come in handy time and time again. So pack your bags and get ready to impress the locals with your newfound language skills!

Learn survival phrases in Japanese -

Japanese is the national language of Japan and is spoken by the majority of the population. There are a few different dialects of Japanese, but the standard form is widely understood.

If you're planning to visit or live in Japan, it's a good idea to learn some basic Japanese phrases. Even if you don't know much Japanese, you'll find that speaking a little can go a long way.

Here are some essential Japanese phrases that will help you get by in any situation:

· こんにちは (konnichiwa): Hello

· お元気ですか? (o genki desu ka?): How are you?

· ごめんなさい (gomen nasai): I'm sorry

· ありがとう (arigatou): Thank you

· いくらですか? (ikura desu ka?): How much does this cost?

· お願いします (onegai shimasu): Please 

· よろしくお願いします (yoroshiku onegai shimasu): Nice to meet you

Top 10 Must-Know Survival Phrases in Japanese

1. 何か聞きたいですか? (nani ka kikitai desu ka?) - Would you like to ask something?

2. 私は日本語を話せますか? (watashi wa nihongo o hanasemasu ka?) - Can I speak Japanese?

3. これは何ですか?(kore wa nan desu ka?) - What is this?

4. それは何ですか? (sore wa nan desu ka?) - What is that?

5. 私はアメリカ人です。(watashi wa amerikajin desu.) - I am an American.

6. 何ヶ月、何日生まれですか? (nan-kagetsu, nan-nichi umare desu ka?) - What month and day were you born?

7. お願いします。(onegai shimasu.) - Please.

8. ありがとうございました。(arigatou gozaimashita.) - Thank you very much.

9. すみません。(sumimas

- Greetings

In any language, greetings are some of the first phrases you learn. They’re essential for making a good impression and starting a conversation on the right foot. 

Japanese is no different. In fact, there are so many greeting options available that it can be overwhelming for Japanese language learners. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. 

Here are the top must-know survival phrases in Japanese to help you get started:

•Ohayō gozaimasu – Good morning
•Konnichiwa – Hello/Good afternoon 
•Kombanwa – Good evening
•Oyasuminasai – Good night 
•Sayōnara – Goodbye 
•Shitsurei shimasu – Excuse me (for leaving) 
•Hajimemashite – Nice to meet you 
•Dōzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu – Pleasure to meet you

- Directions

There are a few key phrases you should learn before embarking on your travels. These will come in handy in a variety of situations, from asking for directions to ordering food.

1. わたしは、日本語を話せますか? (Watashi wa, Nihongo o hanasemasu ka?) - Can you speak Japanese?

This is a great way to start off any conversation. By asking if the person you are speaking to can converse in Japanese, you are showing respect and interest in their culture.

2. すみません、わたしは英語を話しますか? (Sumimasen, watashi wa Eigo o hanashimasu ka?) - Excuse me, can you speak English?

If the person you are speaking to does not understand Japanese, don't worry! Many people in Japan will be able to understand and respond to simple English questions.

3. これは何ですか?(Kore wa nan desu ka?) - What is this?

This phrase will come in handy when trying new foods or pointing out objects around you. By asking what something is, you can gain a better understanding of your surroundings.

4. どういう 意味ですか? (Dou iu imi desu ka?) - What does that mean?

This phrase will be useful when you come across unfamiliar words or phrases. Asking what a particular word or phrase means is a great way to learn more about the language and culture of your destination.

5. どうやって行きますか? (Dou yatte ikimasu ka?) - How do I get there?

This is an essential phrase for navigating around any new city. Asking how to reach your destination is a great way to ensure you don't get lost!

- Shopping

When it comes to shopping in Japan, there are a few key phrases you should know. Firstly, "Ikura desu ka?" (いくらですか?) is how you say "How much is this?" in Japanese. This phrase will come in handy when haggling for prices at markets, or simply when checking the price of an item in a store. Another key phrase is "Takai desu ne" (高いですね), which means "That's expensive". This phrase is useful for expressing surprise at high prices, and can also be used as a way to start haggling for a lower price. Finally, "O-negai shimasu" (お願いします) is the phrase you need to know for saying "Please" when making a purchase.

- Eating Out

When you travel to Japan, you'll definitely want to try the local cuisine. But what if you can't read the menu? Don't worry, we've got you covered with some essential phrases for ordering food in Japanese.

 First of all, let's start with some basic vocabulary. 

If you want to order something to eat, you can say 「ご飯をください」 (go-han o kudasai) or 「お腹が空いてしまった」 (onaka ga suite shimatta), both of which mean "I'm hungry." 

To ask for the bill, you can say 「チェック please」 (chekku please).

Now let's move on to some more specific phrases. 

If you want to know what kind of food is available, you can ask「何がありますか?」(nani ga arimasu ka?) or「メニューを見せてください」(menyuu o misete kudasai?). 

If you're not sure how to pronounce a dish on the menu, you can point and say 「これですか?」(kore desu ka?). 

And if you want a recommendation from the chef, you can ask「お勧めはなんで

Basic travel phrases to learn in Japanese

- Numbers and Time Expressions

In any language, being able to understand and use numbers is essential. This is especially true when travelling, as you'll need to be able to navigate your way around using public transport, read timetables and maps, and order food and drink. In Japanese, there are two number systems: the native Japanese system, which is used for most counting purposes, and the Sino-Japanese system, which is primarily used for money, dates and addresses.

The Japanese number system is mostly straightforward - one to ten are expressed as ichi, ni, san, shi/yon, go, roku, shichi/nana , hachi , kyuu/ku , juu . After that, things start getting a little more complicated: 10s are expressed as juu (10), hyaku (100), sen (1000) and so on; 20 would be nijuu , 30 is sanjuu , 40 is yonjuu and so on; 200 is ni-hyaku , 300 is san-byaku , 400 yon-hyaku etc. You get the idea!

The Sino-Japanese system works in a similar way to the Western Arabic numeral system that we're used to. The numbers one to ten in this system are ichi (1), ni (2), san (3), shi/yon (4), go (5), roku (6), shichi/nana(7), hachi (8), kyuu/ku (9) and juu (10). After that, it's a simple matter of adding 'ju' to the end of the number when counting by tens - for example, 20 would be ni-ju , 30 would be san-ju and so on.

When it comes to time expressions, Japanese is relatively straightforward too. The hour and minute are both expressed using standard numbers from the Sino-Japanese system. For example, 10:30 would be juu-ni ji han (literally 'ten two o'clock 30 minutes') and 4:15 would be shi ji juugo fun ('four o'clock fifteen minutes'). To express an exact time with more precision, you can use the word 'ippun', which literally means ‘one moment’. So if you wanted to say 8:45 pm exactly, you could say hachi ji yon-ju go ippun .

- Making Friends

In Japan, it is very important to be able to make friends and build relationships. There are a few key phrases that you can learn in order to make friends in the Japanese language.

The first phrase you should learn is "お友達になりましょう (Otomodachi ni narimashou)". This phrase means "Let's be friends". This is a great way to start a conversation with someone new and let them know that you want to be friends with them.

Another phrase you can use when making friends is "あいさつ (Aisatsu)". This phrase means "greetings" or "hello". This is a great way to start a conversation with someone new or even just say hello to someone you already know.

You can also use the phrase "お疲れ様です (Otsukaresamadeshita)". This phrase means "thank you for your hard work" or "you must be tired". This is a great way to show appreciation to someone who has done something for you or even just to show that you care about them.

The last phrase you should learn when making friends in Japanese is "仲良くしてください (Nakayoku shite kudasai)". This phrase means "please get along" or "please be friends". This is a great

- Weather Talk

In Japan, the weather is a popular topic of conversation. Here are some must-know phrases to help you join in on the weather talk:

1. 天気はどうですか? - Tenki wa dou desu ka? - How's the weather?

2. 今日は晴れですか? - Kyou wa hare desu ka? - Is it sunny today?

3. 曇りですか? - Kurumi desu ka? - Is it cloudy?

4. 雨ですか? - Ame desu ka? - Is it raining?

5. 雪ですか? - Yuki desu ka? - Is it snowing?

- Transportation and Finding Your Way Around

In Japan, the majority of people get around by using public transportation. The two main types of public transportation are trains and buses. Trains are faster but more expensive, while buses are slower but cheaper. If you're on a budget, you can take advantage of discount bus passes that are available for tourists.

To get around Japan, it's best to use a combination of public transportation and walking. Walking is a great way to see the sights and get some exercise. However, you'll need to be aware of your surroundings as some areas can be quite crowded. When walking, be sure to stay on the sidewalks and obey all traffic signals.

If you're lost or need help finding your way, don't hesitate to ask for directions from a local. Japanese people are generally very helpful and will go out of their way to assist you. If you don't speak Japanese, it's still possible to get by with gestures and body language.

- Emergency Situations

When you find yourself in an emergency situation in Japan, it is important to know some key survival phrases in Japanese. This can help you communicate your situation to others and get the help you need. Here are some essential phrases to know:

急 (kyuu) - "emergency"

火事 (kaji) - "fire"

救助 (kyuujo) - "rescue"

警察 (keisatsu) - "police"

消防車 (shoubousha) - "fire truck"

医者 (isha) - "doctor"

病院 (byouin) - "hospital"

- Saying Goodbye

When it's time to say goodbye in Japanese, you have a few options. The most common way to say goodbye is さようなら (sayōnara), which is a formal way to say goodbye. If you want to be more casual, you can say じゃあね (ja ne), which is like saying "See ya" in English.

If you're leaving for a short period of time, you might say いってきます (itte kimasu), which means "I'm going." And if someone is leaving on a long journey, they might say お帰りなさい (okaeri nasai), which means "welcome home."

 There are also some other phrases that are commonly used when saying goodbye. For example, if you're thanking someone for their hospitality, you might say ご馳走様でした (gochisō sama deshita). And if you want to apologize for something, you might say 失礼します (shitsurei shimasu), which is a very polite way to say "excuse me."

Tips for Learning Survival Phrases in Japanese Language Quick

Learning survival phrases in any language can be a daunting task, but it is especially so when it comes to Japanese. The good news is that there are some methods you can use to make the process easier and faster. Here are some tips for quickly learning survival phrases in Japanese:

1. Use a phrasebook or dictionary. A phrasebook or dictionary will help you learn the basic survival phrases in Japanese. Make sure to get one that includes audio so that you can listen to the pronunciation of the words and phrases.

2. Listen to Japanese podcasts or songs. Listening to Japanese podcasts or songs is a great way to familiarize yourself with the sound of the language and learn new vocabulary words.

3. Watch Japanese movies or TV shows. Watching Japanese movies or TV shows is another great way to hear how native speakers use the language in everyday conversation. Plus, you’ll pick up on common gestures and body language cues that are often used in Japan.

4. Practice speaking with a friend or tutor. One of the best ways to learn any language is to practice speaking it with someone who knows it well. If you don’t have any friends or family members who speak Japanese, consider finding a tutor online or through your local community college or university.

Learning Japanese language can be difficult, but with the right phrasebook and a few survival phrases under your belt, you will be ready to face any situation. Having these top 10 must-know survival phrases in Japanese language at your disposal will make it easier for you to navigate around Japan without having to worry about being lost in translation. In addition, knowing these essential phrases may even open up new opportunities for meeting locals and making friends during your stay!

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