Why do American English speakers love to use nouns as verbs?


I find it very fascinating that many English words were "verbified" so much. It just speaks so much of the American culture where people are always go-getters, always in action. When someone gets in an accident, they got "rear-ended." When a friend says something awful to you, she "badmouths" you. American English (and I bet many languages in the world) have evolved so much that it would be impractical to be purist instead of keeping up with the changes. 

American English has always shown a marked tendency to use words in different parts of speech and nouns are often used as verbs.[90] Examples of nouns that are now also verbs are interview, advocate, vacuum, lobby, pressure, rear-end, transition, feature, profile, hashtag, head, divorce, loan, estimate, X-ray, spearhead, skyrocket, showcase, bad-mouth, vacation, major, and many others. Compounds coined in the U.S. are for instance foothill, landslide (in all senses), backdrop, teenager, brainstorm, bandwagon, hitchhike, smalltime, and a huge number of others. Other compound words have been founded based on industrialization and the wave of the automobile: five-passenger car, four-door sedan, two-door sedan, and station-wagon (called an estate car in England).[91] Some are euphemistic (human resources, affirmative action, correctional facility). Many compound nouns have the verb-and-preposition combination: stopover, lineup, tryout, spin-off, shootout, holdup, hideout, comeback, makeover, and many more. Some prepositional and phrasal verbs are in fact of American origin (win out, hold up, back up/off/down/out, face up to and many others).

The list goes. Technical uses in photography is "rasterizing" an image, using an app that records your screen with voice and webcam is called "screencastifying." Whew. I say, "Keep Calm and Verbify On."

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